
Huizhou Gaochi Technology Co., LTD.


Technical principle of wireless temperature measuring device

时间:2023-03-24   访问量:1242

Principle of wireless temperature measurement technology:

Many enterprises advocate preventive maintenance of equipment, and temperature is the most important monitoring parameter in preventive maintenance, the temperature is too high or too low means the possibility of failure. On-line temperature monitoring is an important means to ensure the safe operation of high voltage equipment.

High temperature overheating directly leads to the decrease of mechanical strength and physical properties of electrical materials, the increase of contact resistance value, continuous flow state will accelerate the oxidation of equipment connection point, and the oxidation result will promote the contact resistance value to continue to increase, heating intensification, temperature continues to rise, leading to high temperature overheating. And the problem of high temperature overheating is a process of continuous development, if not controlled, the degree of overheating will continue to intensify, each time the temperature change increases the contact resistance value, will make the next cycle of heat increase, the increase in temperature and the working condition of the joint further deteriorated, thus forming a vicious cycle, seriously affect the service life of electrical equipment.

The traditional temperature measurement method has a long period, complex construction, low efficiency, and difficult management. When a fault occurs, a large number of human resources are required to physically rectify the fault and lay cables again. However, many temperature measurement methods can not be realized in specific occasions when the monitoring points are scattered, the environment is closed or there is high voltage.

Wireless temperature online monitoring system is a set of advanced sensing technology, digital identification technology, wireless communication technology, low power technology, anti-interference technology and automatic control technology as one of the high-tech products, composed of wireless temperature display instrument, wireless temperature sensor, background management system. It can realize on-site and remote online monitoring and early warning of equipment temperature changes under various adverse environmental conditions, which is convenient for maintenance personnel to comprehensively and timely grasp the operating status of equipment. Specific application in the electrical equipment of all kinds of contacts, connection points, such as: busbar joints, cable joints, outdoor switch contacts, transformers and motor lead joints and other measuring points. The system can display the distribution of the entire temperature field in the form of an electronic map, which can clearly discover the temperature anomalies and determine the hidden trouble. Take steps in advance to avoid accidents.

Principle of wireless temperature measurement system

The temperature of the measured device is converted into a digital signal by the temperature sensor through the MCU control of the wireless temperature sensor, and then transmitted to the reader through the wireless transmitting and receiving module. The temperature information collected through the microprocessor is uploaded to a PC computer through the 485 communication module. Multiple sensor electronic labels are distributed around the reader, and the temperature measuring terminals can be added, deleted or moved at will within the effective communication range. The reader is installed in the control center, and the computer software in the control center monitors the temperature changes of each point in real time. The temperature monitoring computer collects the operating temperature data of each monitoring point from the temperature measurement communication terminal, saves it in the database for a long time, displays the temperature change curve of the monitoring point in real time, and analyzes it. Once the temperature is found to be overheated or rapidly rising to the alarm temperature setting, the alarm will be immediately given. Realize the heating condition of the whole system without leaving the house.

Wireless temperature measurement system composition

The system is mainly composed of wireless temperature sensor, temperature measurement communication terminal (temperature display instrument), temperature detection and early warning workstation.

Wireless temperature sensor: by the control unit, wireless data transmission and temperature measurement of three parts. After temperature measurement, the temperature data is transmitted wirelessly to the temperature measurement communication terminal. It is mainly installed on the surface of hot-prone cable connections, transformers and switches. Each wireless temperature sensor has a unique ID number. The installation location of each sensor is recorded during the actual installation and use, and the number is entered into the computer database of temperature detection workstation together. The sensor automatically transmits the temperature data of the monitoring point at a certain interval (which can be set in advance), and immediately gives an alarm if the temperature is abnormal, regardless of the limitation of the sending cycle.

Temperature measurement communication terminal (temperature display instrument): installed in the central control room, responsible for receiving the temperature data sent by the wireless temperature sensor, long-term storage in the database, real-time display of monitoring points.

Temperature measuring workstation: responsible for receiving the temperature data uploaded by the temperature display instrument centralized display, analysis and processing. Through the background monitoring software installed on the PC, in the form of an electronic map to display the location of each temperature measuring point and temperature changes, real-time online remote monitoring.

Wireless temperature measurement wireless advantages

Safety: independent equipotential insulation installation, effectively avoid the influence of creepage,

Does not reduce the safety performance of electrical equipment.

Accuracy: Imported high precision digital temperature sensor, using contact temperature measurement, very close to the hot spot

It can quickly and accurately monitor the temperature change of temperature measuring point.

Flexibility: small size, easy installation, flexible networking, wired or wireless,

Facilitate the increase of the number of monitoring points.

Ease of use: Based on excellent operating platform, modular design, easy to operate. Convenient to connect with the local area network and wide area network of each system,

Integrated automation control system. Reserve corresponding interfaces for easy expansion to ensure future adaptability.

Low power consumption: Low power consumption design, while ensuring normal temperature measurement, prolong the service life of the sensor.

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